Chad J. Schafer is a lay Bible researcher and author of The World In The Bondage Of Egypt with contributing author Doug K. Krieger. Baptized at 8 yrs of age he has always been a member of New Hope Christian Church where a deep love of Yeshua was richly cultivated. He has served in various roles at New Hope that include Jr. High and High School Youth Group Leader, Deacon and began a prayer ministry. Professionally he has always worked in Health Care Services in one form or another but principally in Pharmacy as a Pharmacy Technician Manager. His career in pharmacy began at St. Vincent Hospital where he would go on to serve in the capacity of Chemotherapy Technician Specialist for about 9 yrs. He now serves as the Pharmacy Tech Manager of a home-based Pharmacy company that serves the entire United States providing emergency prescription services to settings outside of hospital. Chad is husband to Judy and the father of five beautiful children.
Douglas W. Krieger is editor and publisher of the Tribnet and Tribnet Publications and was a contributing editor of The Tribulation Network since 2004. He has written scores of e-books on Bible Prophecy, as well as commentaries on a host of theological and socio-political topics. He served as an Education Administrator and teacher for public schools for 20 years, as well as Public Relations specialist and (formerly) the Executive Director of the National Religious Broadcasters National Prayer Breakfast in Honor of Israel during the 1980s. He holds a BA/Administration Credential from CSULA/CSUS. Additionally, he was a pastor during the Jesus Movement. Since 1968, he has been married to Deborah and has three children who love the Lord Jesus. Doug's involvement in Christian Leadership led to several White House briefings during the Reagan Administration with the Religious Roundtable and the American Forum for Jewish-Christian Cooperation. He is a guest speaker at prophecy conferences, as well as forums in education and takes opportunity to share his perspectives on a variety of topics; including: Biblical Chronologies; Geopolitical implications of Bible prophecy; Exploring the Neolithic Earth in Light of the New Jerusalem and "Signs of the Time."